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marius van dyk's picture

Land meet ocean - aerial

volcano beech

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Hi Marius,

This image has nice composition and great texture. It is a little dark for me though. I wonder if you tried lightening it, if the textures would be even more rich. Don't know for sure. Just a thought!

Keep them coming!

Also please participate in dialog with others in the group. You will not only get more feedback, critiquing improves our ability to analyze our own work while at the same time helps others. And as Alan often says: if you have eyes, you have an opinion about what you see. (or something like that - sorry if I messed that up Alan!). All opinion are appreciated.

Ruth thank you for the feedback and advice. As for the feedback to others work , i dont have any formal education in the arts or photography so my feedback will not help much technically - i think. BUT i will take your advise and the opportunity to learn more by expressing my views

Let's hear what you've got to say, Marius. You have an impressive and varied portfolio - where has it come from? Feedback can be technical, aesthetic, about composition or gut feeling - or indeed anything that strikes you. I'm sure many of us find this variety here interesting as I do.

Marius, I don't have any formal education in these areas either, and saw a few minutes ago that I've made over 2,000 comments without being kicked off Fstoppers yet!

Chris - full disclosure -since 2017 im a photoholic with OCD (obsessive composition disorder) :(
Hence try to make a worthy image out of almost anything i see. Cam Bag goes everywhere

I saw this image earlier, Marius, and it didn't immediately grab my attention. However, reading Ruth's comment has prompted me to think about the darkness, and I think it makes the image. It's just that it's a bit of a slow-burn image. Now, I really like it, and I think while it might well work with lighter tonality, its character would change, and for me it wouldn't be as strong. This has an other-worldliness about it.

Can't agree with Ruth two days running. ;-)

Chris - thank you for the feedback
This was not a planned shot at all but when i saw the patterns in the sand (on the pacific coast - volcano beaches (as i call it) makes these cool 50shades of grey patterns as you walk over it or as in this case as the water retreats . it reminded me of an aerial desert landscape view i had whilst flying one evening over a middle east region.
To me its just evoked that Feeling of mystery, out of this world, isolation, the unknown where no-one has ventured before / No human contamination.
The dark image helps makes That point for me.

That feeling is what this image give me. Well put, Marius.