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Ruth Carll's picture

Cyclamen Abstract Series

Thinking about some of my favorite photographers got me back into a black and white mood. This series is a tryptic that hangs in this order (the vertical in the center). My goal is to have the subject be almost equal between the flowers and the shadows.

Feedback welcome.

PS - I'm also interested in which would be best alone.

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Really like the images and concept, love the idea of a trypic. Hope you don't mind, but I lined them up so we can see the desired composition as if they were on the wall; though spacing might be off of course.

With the conceptual and visual description you mentioned in mind...

I feel the third image could use a little more negative space to balance it better vs the other negative space in the first two images. Can you "zoom" out of the third subject a little? If you can't and that is the full frame, perhaps zoom into the others? Just to balance all the negative space between all images.

The second image... This is just personal tastes of course, do you have a image of the subject pointed in a more upright posture? I mention this as the first image is facing out of frame to the left, and the third image the subject is facing out of frame to the right; so the center subject facing out of the frame facing up, perhaps?

Just my thoughts, nothing more. Love the images and concept!

This is awesome Joe!! Thank you for doing this! Do you think this would be upright enough?

PS - the third image doesn't have any more space but I do see what you are thinking. ;)

Hum.. I was thinking even more upright but that might make this type of flower look unnatural.

Do you happen to have a shot of several bunched together, 2 or three, pointing different directions? That might work as well.

This just might be my OCD looking for balance - two pointing left and one pointing right... It could just be me :)

I don't have anything else for this series...yet. when these flowers come out soon I will definitely be thing more. I love their shapes! Thanks sooo much for your time, effort and comments Joe!

Same, love their shapes and texture! Just beautiful. :)

Ruth these are beautiful. I've been working towards somewhat similar compositions. I can't really offer you much as these really appeal to me. I don't think the third image offers what you're looking for in terms of balance in the composition but what I see is a very balanced image in terms of texture, hues, and how the frame is filled. Sorry I wish I could be more constructive but I really like these.

Thank you so much for your feedback and kind words!