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Vijaykumar Mewada's picture


Evening was setting in. Last few were leaving. Light was changing fast. Yet many opportunity were there for making images of peace and serenity.
For this particular, BW was more expressive.

Pangong Tso, Laddakh, India.

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Great job, Vijay! One of your best. I've just started a folder for your images! The photo's most at home in this Group, to my mind. It's so "abstract", almost like an abstract painting. I like the composition here - one of your strengths generally. Love that sweeping dark arc.

I think it's the form of the nearer body of water that reminds me of a Salvador Dali painting. Perhaps your image even has a touch of the surreal. You can be quite poetic. Keep posting!

Hi Chris. Thanking you for your encouragement as always. Would see Dali's painting with different interest now. Keep reviewing. "this" or "that". it always helps.

I agree fully with Chris, that bold leading arc really draws the viewer in. The tone and texture at the tip (sand/receding water?) adds further interest.

If I were to offer any suggestions it might be to try a crop down the sky a tad. I don't think we need to see the top of the mountain and this may draw the eye out of the frame.
The image is great as it is, just something to try as an experiment (go with your gut....).

Wonderful work!

Hi Alan. thanks for taking time in reviewing. orginal image had a larger portion of sky. no idea what I was thinking then. perhaps the colours. But yes there were no clouds at all that day. while converting in BW I wanted to give a sense of completion to include mountains.
Yes, experimentation shall always be on. will try some compositions with cropped mountains. lets see...

I wouldn't amputate that peak!

Excellent photo.


Vijay - if there was an award for 'most improved' you would get it in a heartbeat. I remember when you first joined the group you were a talented hobbyist. You are all pro now! This is absolutely stunning.

Hi Ruth. appreciate your encouragement. But I know the journey I am yet to cover. Thanks as always.