I got this shot a few days ago. My little Panny GX-85 and 14-140 aren't exactly known for their epic bird in flight capabilities combined with me getting it pretty underexposed and I was a little disappointed with the detail I had. But I think I still have enough for a black and white minimal image. I've also included the uncropped straight out of camera version and my first attempt at a color version with all three birds. I'm still very new at trying minimal compositions and would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
I added 2 more versions of the first pic and a few other frames with different levels of contrast and desaturation. Any thoughts on these ones. Thanks.
Hi Troy. Love they center one here. Good job panning overhead! I'm to dizzy for that and would fall down! 😝
Thanks Ruth. I didn't do too much panning that day. I was mostly trying for gold finches and red wing black birds. Saw these out of the corner of my eye and got lucky enough to get a few frames. The second is where I was going with it from the beginning, then i think I may have started overthinking it.
I agree with Ruth, Troy. I think the third bird's different "pose" adds something, and your changed angle works well. You're off to a good start here.
If I were in your place, I'd add more room above and to the right of the birds i.e. more or less in the direction of flight, so they're further left, and flying into this space. But many would centre them.
I think the mono is a good idea here, or maybe a very desaturated colour version. I think I'd make the sky lighter, and possible go for strong tonal contrast, certainly so in the mono. Something like this.
Thanks I liked the the three at first, then I started to think I should play up on how first two looked so similar. I like the idea of a very desaturated version I'll play around with that.
Another version in continuation to image 3
Thanks interesting composition I wouldn't have thought of but I like it.
Like others, I feel that #2 is the favorite. You know the rule of 3's, right!
If you want to experiment and create more space you can easily do so in Photoshop. As with Chris I feel just a little more sky to the right especially would add to the composition.
Thanks Alan. I'll have to try to make more sky. I really need to learn a few things in photo shop. I do everything in Lightroom. I use photo shop to stack macro images, but just use the auto align and merge. I fell so lost in Photoshop need to sit down with a tutorial or two.