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Cameron Hunter's picture

Tiny Boats

Tiny Boats seen from above in the Canadian Rockies

Which one is your favourite?

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Hi Cameron.
Image 2 minus the dark triangular patch at right bottom.
Also sharing my thought led by image 1.

Hi, Further to above, for me image 3 too is very good concept of the composition of lines. But for this image that lines are not complementing the desired impact.

Thanks Vijay for all your input!
My thinking for the dark triangular area was it brought a bit more contrast into the image. But I am seeing now it kind of pulls your eye away from the boat.

I really like number 3. Number 2 is also nice. I feel like the boat on the right of number 1 is a little to close to the edge.

Yeah I agree! Looking at it again it would be more balanced if all 3 boats had similar distance to the edge of the frame!