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Julian Ray's picture


Medium format fun with line and light.

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Nice abstract, Julian. Subtle. Reminds me of John Coplans' work, although it's different again. Definite banner material - are you there, Alan?

I note someone gave it one star in your portfolio. Not "epic" enough, no doubt, for that Fstopper. Maybe try a sky replacement, Julian. ;-)

I’m here but on vacation Chris, and with no access to a PC. The next banner update will be when I get back home, perhaps revolving around a new theme (happy accidents?).

Jajaajajaja, I love it!
Though nowhere near Coplans' level it is flattering to hear Chris.
These images were for a book project some time ago where I was playing with.... well just playing.
You are right that this kind of work does not exactly fit the vibe of this site and yes perhaps would get more stars if I nuked it with saturation and dosed it with a few dozen filters but.... not for me.
Thanks again for the support Alan!

I like the subtlety of this image Julian, making the viewer ask questions. Lighting is great, bringing out texture and adding interest

Definitely not worthy of a single star rating (given as the result of ignorance, or spite?), Members disappoint me so much at times.

Given your deep understanding and love of subtlety in your work Alan, your words carry a lot of weight. Thank you!
Don't worry about the stars, if anything that is a good thing. It reminds us that there are all sorts of tastes and interests. The spice of life!