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Alan Brown's picture

Feedback on lobster buoys

I'd like your feedback on a couple of images taken at a port supporting lobster fishermen.

As always, all feedback, whether positive or negative, is respected and appreciated.

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My opinion
Frame 1: overpowering red to be balanced with wood colour. good if straight aligned. black dots are disturbing.

Frame 2: Wooden post in centre is disturbing. Red is overpowering.

Thanks for the feedback Vijay.

Hi Alan! The COLOUR! That orangey red... It's so strong it ovewhelms, rather than just dominating the image. I assume this is an inverted reflection, giving the interesting undulating effect, but perhaps it's the source of the other colour, that insipid green tinge.

It's unusually bold especially for you. I think it would all work very well for me if the colour clash didn't draw so much attention. Then again, others will no doubt find the contrasting colours appealing.

I prefer the composition in the first; in the second image I'm inclined to agree with Vijay, perhaps preferring it if the pile and float were 10-15% further left.

Your constant experimentation is very impressive and rather puts me to shame. :-)

Thanks Chris. After spending some time away from it I have to say I agree with both yourself and Vijay. My workflow is typically to put 'completed' images to one side and revisit a week or more later.

You are indeed correct about the inverted reflections (there's no fooling you!), I'll have to revisit and work on those colors at a later date.

I appreciate the feedback - I know I can rely on you guys to keep me honest.

I am going to remove this post as over time I really don't like the image. This is a good lesson in the perils of being caught up in the moment and not allowing work to 'rest' before revisiting.

Thanks to those willing to offer their opinion and helping me see what was missed in the moment. I'll leave up for a few days so others may learn from this lesson.

Hi Alan! I understand your reluctance to leave the image up if you really don't like it, & think it might reflect badly on you.

However, this discussion as a whole is an interesting example of what Group discussions can be about.

I can post a stinker for DC (demolition criticism) if you like.

Thanks Chris. I really don't mind it reflecting badly on me, and I do see value in presenting both the bad as well s the good.

My main issue is that it doesn't really represent who I am - , do you feel there is value to others in leaving it up? If so I am certainly willing to do so.

Yes, I'd leave it up, Alan. It doesn't seem to represent who you are, judging by most of your images. However, the discussion points to this very fact, while the image COULD be seen to represent who you are in its unorthodox, experimental approach - as befits this Group.

Not all experments give the desired results - as I'm reminded currently while I'm reading a bio of Edison. That does not make the experiment valueless as something is learned.

I'm still intrigued to imagine what unrealised idea you were pursuing here - success or not, the image reveals a facet of you. A SOOC version might be interesting to see - even if it's the same!

I'll spare the world my stinkers.

I'm always looking for opportunities top experiment and develop. In this case I was down by the harbor at dawn and the water so calm.

As the opportunity was there I wanted to to seek out reflections and see if I could present in an interesting way. Nothing lost, I'll have a better understanding next time in that situation.

Ha, I have the results of many a failed experiment I could produce - my failing is that if you don't push the boundaries you'll never see how far you can go.

I'll leave it up so others can hopefully learn from it.