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David Brophy's picture

Shapes and Lines

Hi all. One more for today. Based on the new cover page and banner for August, would this fall in line with the concept of this group? It is definitely not something I have done much of, but growth often requires effort and trying to see things differently (i.e. outside the box). As usual feedback and guidance is appreciated.
BTW.. this is a portion of a local structure against a white sky. Thanks

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Great to see your explorations David.
This image with its strong composition and dynamics is an intriguing look into minimalist architecture photography.
Thanks for sharing and I look forward to see more of your explorations.

Thank you Julian. Your feedback is very helpful. Happy shooting!

I second Julian's comments. I feel this fits the minimalistic theme and provides a nice contrast in shapes between the elements.

We love to see folks experimenting in this group so keep pushing yourself to push those boundaries. As with Julian looking forward to more.

Thanks Alan. I feel this category might be named "Learning to See" because it does encourage one to stop and think with the minds eye to observe more closely the everyday things that surround us. It is a good learning opportunity and challenge. Appreciate your comments.

Hi David! I second Julian and Alan's comments. The image is certainly simple, and most would see it as minimalist, I'd think, but precise definitions here don't matter. What does, to me, is that this image is compelling in its simplicity, and if it is something you have not done much of, you've balanced these forms, with their contrasting and similar aspects, very well into a pleasing, coherent whole. Do more and show us more!

Thank you once again. Learning is always easier with this valuable feedback and direction. Cheers!