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Alan Brown's picture

Thoughts on ICM image

Just to generate discussion I have added the following images for review. The (color) original was taken hand-held at 1/8th second.

I'd love to understand if others have any thoughts on these. I personally prefer the mystery of the B&W, the color image doesn't really work for me at all.

All feedback appreciated - these are experimental images so please don't hold back, negative feedback is just as helpful as positive.

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Thanks George, this was taken at the beach - perhaps more evident in the 2nd image.

I like both equally, Alan, as the colours are attractive in themselves, although as you & George say, the mono is more mysterious and may have more lasting appeal. The crop also adds to the ambiguity by omitting a fairly obvous wave.

There is a bit of a giant-phallus (sea monster ravishing the maiden?) vibe to the colour one - nothing to do with my liking it, of course.