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Chloe Kramer's picture



It's been awhile since I posted or commented on here. Things have gotten really busy, and while I have been taking photos, uploading has taken a back burner. Prime example, these are from the 4th of July here in America. I have edited these and I am really happy with how they turned out. Any thoughts on how to make them better? Or just any feedback at all? Thanks!!!

Note: the images are low quality cause they will be going on my website, and I tend to not put high quality images on there!

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Hi Chloe, great to see you back. TBH it is difficult to comment on the first two images as they are so small.

The third I really like. I love the departure from the classic firework shots with their bursts of colors. This seems a lot more abstract and subdued, highlighting the random path each burst takes.

Just curious - what is your wesbsite URL and why do the images need to be so small? Is this a requirement of the tool?
My images are typically uploaded to my site at a max size of 500K (fit full screen) and scaled down from there as needed.

Hi Alan, its great to be back. I understand the first two, I'm going to try and get the bigger versions uploaded when I get back to my computer with the original files.

I was playing with the abstract form of fireworks in the 3rd one, and I really enjoy how it turned out.

My website is www.lochesphoto.com and the images are small because I also sell decorative prints from there. In an effort to make less people just steal the images they like and print them themselves, I keep the sizes small. They fit the format on my website well though and are larger when clicked on.

They are changed now, or at least should be.