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Alan Brown's picture

November theme - closing time

Taking Robert Tran's suggestion the theme for November will be 'Closing Time'. This can have a wide variety of meaning, start thinking about how that may apply to images you may have at your disposal, or take this as a challenge to shoot to suit the theme.

I have added my own (and likely easiest) interpretation - the closing of the day. Don't forget to include banner-worthy images for our Friday updates.

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I was waiting on the deck last night for Harry to finish his business below. It was a bit drizzly.

Thanks for posting Andrew - a good depiction of the finality of Fall.

I guess this guy fits the closing time theme, especially as Halloween has now passed.
Just more experimentation with ME.

I like the simplicity and graphic nature of this George - thanks for posting.

Nice shot, Alan. I see your nature-scape and raise you a bridge shot.

Nice graphical image Robert. Definitely signifies the closing of the day

Floating in the ocean with a camera at dusk, wondering whether today is the day I'm going to get bitten by a shark, and knowing I probably should get out of the water.

Looks kinda scary out there........

Then I acheived my aim. I entitled it "adrift". Lost in a big ocean, given hope by the rainbow in the distance.

In reality, it was just lovely floating there - I just had to remind myself shark attack is statistically rare.