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Andrew Williams's picture

Oops, I Did It Again

Harry and I did not get out until after dark this evening. These are what resulted when I forgot to turn on the flash and practiced accidental ICM. I shot these using an 8-year-old Nikon S9500. I wonder what the D810 could do with more than twice as many pixels and much higher ISO capability? Maybe tomorrow if I have any energy after the Eagles game.

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Great mistake Andrew! I would you suggest trying longer shutter speeds and varying camera motions just to experiment and see what you might come up with.

Your fallen leaves composition has enough color contrast and have the potential for wonderful abstract images. Card space is cheap so make sure you capture lots in the hope of capturing that one gem.

BTW - you will need a low ISO to get the longer exposures, pixel count has little bearing on the results,

Just for the heck of it I have simulated the results you may find with this type of image using a longer shutter speed/faster motion, or rotating the camera as the shutter is open. (I have instructions on how to test/simulate results on my website if anyone is interested).

That particular camera has very little adjustment capability, and that which it has is particularly inconvenient. What it does have to recommend it (besides my already owning it) is size and a very expansive zoom ratio (approx 25mm to 550mm were it a 35mm/fx format sensor.) I did not want to carry my 35mm gear and lenses when we visited our daughter during her Costa Rican Peace Corps service back in 2014. The Lumix I bought her a bit later has much more accessible controls (none of which she uses, but that is another story.)