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Request for engagement

Hi all,
I understand this may be a busy time of the year, but the level of engagement in discussions has dropped off. This seems to happen from time to time, with individuals posting images for review but not eliciting responses. Lack of activity such as this typically leads to stop checking the discussion.

In order to help the group remain active I'd like to make a couple of suggestions;

1) If you are posting images and looking for feedback please ensure you add to the discussions on at least some others. It takes little time to acknowledge the work of another member, even a brief comment holds meaning.

2) This is a discussion group - feel free to initiate a discussion on whatever related subject you wish - if you see a particular technique used by another member you would like information about or would like to gauge opinion etc feel free to ask.

This is a community with members who wish to both grow themselves and/or help others. Without engagement the group will ultimately fail.

As always, comments on how to re-engage members and make the group more inviting would be appreciated.

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No comments, huh? lol I'm sure a number of us are here at least reading and watching! Maybe when it gets cold, dark and wet in the winter, this place will be more active then.

I’m bad about not commenting on things. That being said I’d love to learn more on how you do those “impressionist” type photos you do. They look awesome! Is there a thread somewhere already discussing how to do that technique?

Thanks for the interest Kyle. I have been studying/experimenting with various form of ICM for a few years now. There is a lot that can be done with a little background knowledge, taking a LOT of images, and sprinkling in a sense of adventure.

I have chronicled my own journey on my website (blog etc) - alanbrownphotography.com. There you will see articles on others who have inspired my work.

I'd also recommend you check out ICMphotomag.com - great quality magazine, started by fstopper member (Stephanie Johnson).

These groups all seem pretty quiet.