Hi Group,
For my perception this is an experimental effort. If someone feel this image does not belong to this group, let me know and will remove it.
This environmental portrait was clicked in post noon light at one of the temples of north eastern India. The light was harsh and hence chosen to enhance similar mood. Processed for conversion, DB, specular reduction, contrast and sharpness.
Inviting critical comments helping me improve my art.
Firstly, Vijay, I don't believe you should worry about the appropriateness of this image for this Group. It has always been inclusive, and as far as I'm concerned, if it's experimental for you - it's experimental.
It's a fine image! I'd be proud to produce one as good. It shows your usual flair for monochrome, and I like the composition.
In terms of CC, I want to see more of his eyes ("windows of the soul"). which are deep in shadow, and there is detail in the shadow that could be brought out.
Also, I cannot see the EXIF data for this image, but ideally I think blurring the background more with a wider aperture if possible, or simply having him further from the wall, again if that were possible, would help him stand out against it better, without removing all environmental clues.
Still, this is nit-picking, and it could be argued that his sombre "dark" mood is expressed well in the difficulty in discerning his eyes clearly, emphasising that the viewer does not know what burden the man carries, and is reflecting upon.
Hi Chris.
Got it and thanks for investing your time in reviewing. Cheers.
I like the overall mood. A few suggestions:
- Not sure whether you lost any sharpness in post, but the image is a bit soft and also dark on the face as Chris mentioned.
- I wouldn't classify this as an environmental portrait because there is not enough context to understand what the environment is
- The composition / crop is a little awkward for me. I might have tried to include more of the beads + torso or crop into the headpiece
Hi Vijay. I am pretty much in agreement with others on this.
First off, we are pretty laid back on categorization. If this is experimental for you then it's good enough for me - the goals of the group is to help each other improve, especially when attempting new ideas.
I like the low-key approach to this , which certainly fits the subject. I would have like to see the image a bit sharper and perhaps a bit more/something in the background that would help tell the story (eg part of the temple).
Chris is right about the eyes - if you can lift the shadows a little to bring out at least some details I think that would help improve the image.
Great portrait though.
Hi Alan Brown
yes, learning to see the post work at intervals. Experts mentioned about coffee breaks. More work is needed on facial shadows and eyes. Looks like me and FS are not at sync for image resolution, meta, uploads and transfer issue. Will need to take this as new learning chapter altogether. will compare this sharpness aspect with other SM.
Hi Robert Tran
Yes, after seeing my work at interval, understand that some more work is required for shadows on face. Sharpness, This is FS issue in my understanding. Context, Yes nomenclature aspect is getting clearer.