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Dg9ncc /portable's picture

Cool misty autumn

My target was to convey the kind of silence of a cold misty morning in autumn. Do you respond to that? Or are you triggered in a different way? Let me know & express your emotion!

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Thanks for posting this fine image. You certainly do convey the misty morning you reference.

For my own taste I wonder whether the symmetry provides the best result. Just playing about (as I do...) I think it might work better for me with just a little less water in the foreground and placing a little mor emphasis on that wonderful misty backdrop.

Wonderful picture in any case.

Thank you Alan for your input! I'll take a coffee and review the image and play with your idea.
Cropping the bottom part looks more pleasing to the viewer - a good idea! Further I reduced the saurat0on of the yellow a bit to make it less popping.

Definitely silence, but it feels more of a warm mist than a cold mist. Wonder if you adjust the color balance for a cooler effect? This was overly cool balanced, but you see what I mean.This is a beautiful image that you did. I want to do a week of images on reflections coming up; so this caught my eye.

Thank you Jennifer for your words!
I can understand what you mean abut the color tone. Too warm for your perpective and not matching the title. I will need to check that if a more cool tone fits better.Maybe I was a bit too focused on the colors in autum...
The mirror if the triees plus the fog were the key elements to make this photograph. removing the scattered background and adding an interesting element to the scenery. AT that daz we left all homework waiting at home and headed out for a walk. The work will wait to be done. the fog will lift sooner or later. A matter of changing our priorities.