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Alan Brown's picture

June challenge - Emotions

As June nears, I'd like to create a new challenge to get our creative juices flowing - Emotions.

The challenge is to post images that either have a deep emotional meaning to yourself, or invoke emotions in the viewer.

I feel the strongest images are those that convey such a message to the audience, and is often an aspect that we overlook when taking pictures. A recent Fstoppers article may help you if stuck


When posting it would be good to include any meaningful information that might help members understand the context.

As always, the intent is to ad to, and not replace the general postings within the group.

Happy (or sad/angry?) shooting!

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Forcing yourself to eat a Habanero can be emotional.

How's the tear...does that workout?

I'd like to see the result after you'd taken a large bite into the pepper - I bet that was emotional!

I love Habaneros. I like them on Pizza, Hamburgers...I even make Habanero-Lime Cheesecake. 🔥

How fortuitous.

I just finished working on the theme Darkness and I have an photograph that is also emotional.

Lighting was the most important aspect of this composition: the dark clothes, the light not lit and dark hangman’s noose represent the darkness that surrounds suicide for those left behind.

The Ladder to the Light represents clarity and hope…a way of climbing out of darkness and despair, but that seems closed as the individual’s glasses are in the shirt pocket and can only see that all doors are closed.

I was attempting to capture the hardest moment in time for those left behind, before a suicide where, ”if only…” is asked.

My father committed suicide by hanging when I was 7 months old. My closest brother did the same when I was 28. My mother drank herself to death at age 47 and my oldest brother died of a drug overdose before he was 50.

I chose the path less taken.

Darkness Within
EOS R5 w/RF 15-35mm f/2.8 L IS USM
f/22 ~ 1/6 second ~ ISO 640 ~ 15mm

Wow, that is such a powerful story and image Dean. Mental health is an issue that I feel touches on us all, but not to the extent of your own exposure. I'm so sorry to hear of such tragedy within your family.

I have recently been following a musician from my home town, Sam Fender, and just published a blog entry. Sam likewise struggled with the suicide of close friends and writes about this throughout his music (along with other life struggles).

If interested you can check it out here;

The kid had a rough upbringing and was one of the lucky ones to escape. I certainly hope you remain in a good place.

This image was taken a few years back during the annual Gay Pride parade in my hometown.
The content captures the mixed emotions of onlookers as a particularly flamboyant participant marches by.

Even though Vermont is such a liberal state I find the range of emotions from joy to indifference, and to what appears to be disdain quite telling.

On the surface we may say we accept others as they are, but our unconscious expressions may indicate otherwise.

What a great image that does indeed freeze emotions at a moment in time.

Your photograph invites the observer to turn around and see what they are looking at that runs such a gambit of emotions....but can't.

My latest in a series of dead trees, entitled "Requiem"

Everywhere I look, I see dead and dying ecosystems.

I love the symmetry and as emotions are different with everyone, I see the Cycle of Life.

As the water floods the base of the dead (dying) trees with it's life giving power, it also reflects what once was, as well as knowing the water in the clouds are providing life elsewhere.

It's interesting to see the difference in viewpoints on this. As with all art, there is the perspective of the artist that created the image, and that of the viewer who attempts to interpret based on their own experiences.

Fo me I see an end of life/end of day metaphor. Perhaps a new dawn will bring fresh life to the scene.

Although emotions are most often attributed to the face, human or animal, sometimes emotions can be evoked by seeing something that binds by having a common experience.

For my first post for this month's theme I thought I would share an image that is just one of those types of images.

I will leave some context in the comments section but first I really would love to know what emotions this image stirs in you.

I see this as a symbol of oppression. Perhaps a wall where dissidents were slaughtered, the most recent plain to see and a warning to others.

Powerfully symbolic.

Here's another from way back when. I was messing about on the beach and thought I'd captured an intimate moment between mother and daughter.
It was only later that I discovered that the body language seem to imply a different story.

What story do we see unfolding here?

I am curious where the "Mother's" left hand is located. Bu the positions of the "daughters" hands and the facial expression: slight furrowed brow, squinting eyes, and lips apart.

Meanwhile we hear Mother say, "I am only choking you because I love you. I love you to death."

Alan, do you want the images to be posted here within this post or posted on the group in general?

You can do either Jennifer, posting here adds to the common thread but you may prefer to post as a new discussion and elicit more specific response.

Thanks for doing so.