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Dean Wilson's picture

Daylight Painting in the Woods

I had never tried Light Painting so here is my second attempt. I did not want to do the typical nighttime that is so popular.

Day Time, using a 10-stop ND.

f/16 ~ 70 seconds ~ ISO 100 ~ 70mm

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Setup...probably obvious.

Not sure about this one.

This is really interesting, Dean. If there was a way to move the light on the path without you being in the photo, it would tell the story of the sighting of only the light of a wood sprite or wood fairy especially because the surrounding scene (lush green and dark path) looks enchanted.

Perhaps a fishing line...I like your idea.

A much better 190 second exposure using a 13-Stop ND (10+3).

Walking away while adjust the HUE and returning after a 45° turn of the LED

Whoa! This is really cool. I'd love to see that at a time when the sun is setting.