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Mike Matthews's picture

Motion in the ocean... and on the streets

For the July challenge, here is one of my first attempts at ICM (long before I'd heard the acronym), capturing street lights and moving car headlights. I've tried to replicate this type of image more recently, but haven't managed to get anything that works as well as this from 2006. It was a 3sec exposure, f/22 at ISO200.

I've also included some shots of my boys at the beach earlier this year. 3/10, ISO100, f/32 (hence the dust spots which I've yet to address - apologies!).

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I like the light painting best.

Nice work Mike. Keep playing with those movements, I'd love to see more!

Dust sports are hell when shooting at such a small aperture - best to get an ND filter to allow f8 etc.

Wow, Mike, I really love that first one. It's like - fairies awakening while we sleep. Out of the 3 ocean images, I love the second one. There's a sense of motion as it sweeps your eyes from right via the water through to the left side via the sand then up through the upper left via the child's arm. It feels just right in every way.