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Alan Brown's picture

Variations on a theme

I just spent a few days away visiting relatives and a scorching beach in Maine. Not one to sit around I grabbed my trusty camera and set out to practice some long exposure shots.
All are the result of panning moving objects to capture motion - not only in the background but in the subjects themselves.

- All shots taken at 1/4sec, ISO 100 using an ND6 filter to reduce light.

As you can see, there are 3 distinct pairs of shots capturing the same subject.
- Which is your preference within each pair?
- Do you have a favorite from the bunch?
- Do you have any comments on the series in general?

All comments, whether positive or negative are always appreciated.

***** Perhaps best viewed by enlarging and using the 'slide show' feature (I have just discovered....).

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***** Perhaps best viewed by enlarging and using the 'slide show' feature (I have just discovered....).

I have a tendency to try to enlarge a photo on any web platform first.

I don't trust my eye/hand coordination, so I use a tripod for anything that is not spontaneous.

It's not too often I read "...practice some long exposure shots." and associate it with a 1/4-second shutter speed.😂

I love the color balance in all your photos. Great job.

Thanks for the feedback Dean.

I would say 1/4 second is a long exposure but understand where you are coming from (these were all hand-held.)

Panning a moving subject is always hit or miss, especially with longer exposures. There are many more that have ended up on the cutting room floor so to speak
In these I tried to follow the subject to maintain some sense of clarity in the core of the subject.

I like the colors and smoothness in each photo. I'm starting to see a preference in myself for motion capture images when the subjects are moving.

In the first set, I'm not a fan of either of them because the subject feels more like a glitch in the motion.

In the second set, the subject is moving; but there's something about the second one of the set that I like better - maybe being shot straight on rather than at an angle and maybe the turn of her head towards the water.

The third set, I would go with #1 because, while in both the subject is moving, in the first one the subject has a sense of pulling on his load of stuff in contrast to the faster moving background providing a feeling of moving forward with purpose as opposed to the leisurely feel of the subject in the second one against a speedily moving background.

Hope you had a great time in Maine!

Thanks for the input, Jennifer. I see where you are coming from on the 2nd & 3rd sets and tend to agree. the 2nd/1st in these groups certainly display a greater dynamic than their counterparts.

I can see your point on the 1st set as neither fulfills the criteria (movement of the individual) you indicated a liking for in the others. I do however like these myself.
The subject is a boy surfing the shallows on a skim board, so the movement of the body is less pronounced, but I feel there is more movement in the frame itself if that makes sense.

I appreciate your feedback on this.