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Dean Wilson's picture

ICN (Intentional Cellphone Non-Stabilization)

I was visiting a viewpoint in the Columbia River George Scenic Corridor with the intention of photographing Light Trails.

While I was waiting for Golden Hour to shift to Blue Hour and vehicular traffic I was constantly being buffed by strong winds. I thought...hum...What sort of scene can a capture while taking a long exposure with my cellphone and NOT try to stabilize the shot?

Samsung Galaxy 8 Active (manual mode)
f/1.7 ~ 4 seconds ~ 4.25mm ~ ISO 50

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This is a nice shot, Dean. I love the curve as a leading line and the blue/green/orange colors together. It has the feel of a toy track set up.

Interesting Dean, great to see you experimenting like this.

I tried some basic LE shots on my iPhone at the beach recently to see what was possible, but they came out pretty weird. I'll try to dig those up and post as a comparison.

Has anyone else tried LE shots on a mobile device?

Dig 'em up and post 'em!

Here's a few - all straight out of iPhone, all shot through a 6-stop ND (tried to pan with runner etc).

You learn so much just by think, "I wonder what..." and actually trying it than just continuing to wonder.

Great experiment. In my life is a scientist and in my photography I think I've learned most by some crazy experiments or dropping the phone or something then I did other ways. I'm glad you posted this too. I'd love to see your success at the stabilized ones. I hope you post some of them soon.