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Dean Wilson's picture

The Orton Effect, Part Two

These photo, and crop, were taken using three shot in-camera multi-exposure:

1 - In focus and proper exposure
2 - In focus and over exposed
3 - Proper exposure and slight zoom out

This also required a 10-second timer to allow the camera to settle down due to buffeting traffic winds.

NOTE: This is the first time I have ever has to raise the center column of my tripod, but I needed the height for the best composition.

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I love the setup photos in this. Thanks for posting these as well.You weren't kidding about traffic winds! I really like the subject you chose. I wonder what b&w would look like.

I can't say I've ever used multi-exposure to create the Orton effect, only Photoshop. Kudos to you for going old school.

I imagine the road noise/vibration, long lens and tripod extension all created quite a challenge - you can't be accused of taking the easy route!