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Alan Brown's picture

Computer generated artwork- a footnote

Just adding this as there has been discussions in the past around AI generated art (eg Dall-E, Midjourney etc). This was driven somewhat by the competition run by the FS founders, which more or less legitimized the artform as working within the confines of photography.

I have researched somewhat myself and added commentaries to my website as software was evolving. This is not an 'artform' (used in brackets as the software remains the creator of output) I intend on following, but thought it of interest to understand.

The reason I write this is that I have just come across a video highlighting the forecasted impact of AI on the music industry, more specifically new music created by AI without any musical knowledge by the end user.

I know how this may be a little off track, but I find comments and results in the video remarkably similar to those that apply to computer-generated art, and the likely decline in photography.

I've just added a commentary on my website with a link to the video. It's an interesting watch, especially considering correlations to our own photography artform.

I'd love to open this up for discussion - what do you feel about the authenticity of AI-generated art, and where this might lead in future. Following is a link to my blog entry if interested.


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I read your blog posts, Alan. They were well done. I appreciated the examples within each one. The thing that struck me most is when you said now that this AI art form has kind of lost its initial thrill, it's living alongside the traditional art forms. People are so eclectic today. It kind of defines the whole culture so once these new things become diffused, they end up - as you said - living alongside all that has been. I have not kept up with AI generated art apart from seeing headlines; so I had no opinion either way; but your blog posts were very informative and balanced. I appreciated them!

Love the Boston Terrier here by the way.

Thanks Jennifer. I actually used the Boston Terrier shot for Christmas cards this year (looks just like my son's dog).

AI-generated art is good for such things (if you can get past the frustrations) but still has a long way to go to if it is to fulfil the tightly defined parameters needed to replace photography.