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Alan Brown's picture

Either or..

I have planned to take a winter picture of a local Willow for some time now. Ideally, I want to capture this during a snowstorm but decided I'd pop out and see what I can get until those conditions arise.

The first images is a series of shots layered and blended (Pep Ventosa style) to create a more painterly feel to the tree and diminish the background. The second is a 'straight' shot where I was drawn to the contrast between the Willow and pines to the left.

I'd love to hear the opinion of others - do you have any feelings (good OR bad) on either image, do you have a preference (I think each has their own story), and can you think of any ways to improve?

All sincere feedback both respected and appreciated

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I like the dreamy look of the first, but the contrast of the second is certainly pleasing to the eye.

however I'm a bit thrown off by the very slightly slanted line which I perceive as the horizon in the first one ..

nevertheless 2 very nice pictures !

Thanks for pointing that out Ian. This is taken in a field, but I can see how a straight line would provide the perception of a horizon.
The dilemma is do we maintain the reality, or adjust to make level and remove the discord?

What are the group feelings on the topic of perceived horizons? Do we level landscapes at perhaps the expense of other natural elements?

I much prefer the surreal nature of the first shot. I like the unevenness of the horizon and the opposing slant of the tree trunk. Gives it a bit of tension or unease. Though my preference is that there's a bit too much empty sky.

I do LOVE the softness and painterly feel of the willow tree for sure. It turned out LOVELY. The neutral colors are wonderful too. I think my only issue is that I'm not sure about the horizon line. Would it be possible to take the pictures from a lower position? Not sure if that would work. Same with the second image. I think if the horizon on the right was not in the image, and all you had was the tree and the evergreens, it would make a lovely minimalist photo.

I can't believe how lovely the tree turned out in the first image.

That's a great point Jennifer. TBH the reason I am awaiting snow is to help flatten the background and hopefully take away that line (+ add atmosphere).
I am not sure if I can get down low enough but will certainly give it a go.

Snow? What is this thing you call snow? Lol! We haven't seen much of anything except flurries here and there. It's been too warm here. I understand your point about the horizon line being a difficult one to avoid - unless you get snow. Hope you do because I'd love to see this image in that way.