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August challenge - mobile exploration

This month's challenge is one of discovery. As many will know after being inspired by the work of Eric Mencher (blog entry here if interested - https://www.alanbrownphotography.com/blog/influencers-eric-mencher) I have begun to look at the camera in my iPhone in a new light.

I challenge all to do the same. For the month of August view the camera in your pocket not as a snapshot device, but as a capable camera capable in its own right.

Yes, we have to understand (or learn) limitations, we can never expect the same level of fine detail as we would in even the cheapest of DSLRs, but finding what does and does not work is the core of the challenge.

I feel the first challenge (was a major one for me) is to get out of the mindset that the iPhone/mobile device is just a gimmick. Try to view the camera as you would any other, making the same considered/creative choices you would otherwise.

Research the camera controls your mobile device provides (you may be surprised!), suitable apps (I use ProCam, AvgCamPro etc) and put these to use.

Challenge goals;-
- use your mobile device in place of your DSLR
- experiment/push the boundaries to understand limitations
- share both work and experiences with the community (we are not looking for killer shots here, more discussion on what does/does not work)
- engage with others on discussions (share thoughts & feedback)

To kick this off I am sharing some of my own work, much of which you may have seen before. I have seen success especially in the 'Ventosa-style' images as critical detail has no importance. I have also found that long exposure images can work, and as per my recent post that the iPhone Live function holds promise when shooting moving objects.

The key here is to get out and have fun - let's see what becomes of that!

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Nice photos. Love the one with the swimming polar bear!

I've tried to post my phone photos but despite no editing and it being 4+MB, when I do so, the resolution seems to go way down and it just doesn't look good here.

Thanks so much Charles. Your picture looks interesting- Death Valley?

Thanks. I do live in the desert in Utah. It's just some mud near a creek bed a few days after it overflowed on the bank.

Interesting. When I view you image I want to rotate it so the thicker gaps are on the bottom in Landscape orientation.

I did the mud cracks as well for my phone capture.

I simply downloaded this image direct without any editing. It's a 4.1mp image in my computer and yet the image quality looks like crap here - to me.