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Dean Wilson's picture

Museum, Part 2

I kept thinking of the Museum shot I did about six months ago and I wanted to try it again when I saw a cartoon.

I tried to pay more attentions to detail this time. I chose 3000K for the light as that was the common range for lighting in a museum (3000-3600K). I have the placards for the Art work. Of course, the QR code (that contains a photo of the Artist) is valid.

I downloaded and greatly altered the reCAPTCHA as needed. All the items on the wall was printed on photopaper as it was best for gluing to the wall.

I am wondering if rather than ceramic tile for the walls if I should have used white cardstock?

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What a fun little project Dan - I love the creativity!

I think cardstock would work better for the walls, and perhaps some framing of any sort around the artworks.

I can envision a series of these with characters in varying types of settings.
Keep up the fun!!

I have a few. This is one I am hoping to reproduce, but not at home.

Hi Dean,

I love the idea behind this shot! I agree with Alan that a series around this idea would be really cool.

I wonder, do you have any sort of macro lens? It would be cool to have a perspective a little closer like the cartoon. This seems like it would be perfect for that Laowa tube lens. I've never used it but I've seen some really cool shots taken with it. It is rather expensive for a niche lens though.

Macro...well, Yes and No.

I have a 28-80mm Macro for my Pentax P3n, but not for my Canon gear. I didn't pull out my 15-35mm as I was thinking 50mm focal length.

I always love these ideas; plus I love the behind-the-scenes. Part 3 will have to be along the same lines as Alan's recent blog post on capturing interactions between "visitors and the art on display" (https://www.alanbrownphotography.com/blog/first-looks-art-connections).

I do like the "walls" - the effect has a marble feel to it. The lighting has that museum feel as well. Great job!