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Kyle Foreman's picture

Downtown Cary Park

This is the brand new (it's been in the works for 20 years) downtown park in Cary North Carolina.

I recently had someone reach out to me, who saw my work online, and wanted me to photograph this park for him to hang in his house. I gave him the choice of several different compositions and this is the one he chose. I then did one of my time blends on it. I really wish those trees were not blocking the amphitheater but there's not much I can really do about that. I made the choice to leave the penguins in the photo. I may end up taking them out in the end.

Anyways, my client was very satisfied with it. And I'd say overall I'm pretty satisfied with it as well.

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Congrats on the client Kyle, hopefully they have this hanging with pride.

Oddly enough, I can't decide whether the penguins are a distraction in the image (taking away from that tranquil evening vibe), or add something in the way of balance and a fun diversion.
It looks like your client may not have minded.....

Thanks Alan. I know, I couldn't decide either so I just left it up to my client. Who, so far, has chosen to leave them in.

I think this would actually be a fun composition to have through out the different seasons. Right now it's all decorated for Christmas obviously, but having 4 distinctly different photos of the same place I think would be cool. There's also supposed to be a new art work structure where the penguins are next year. I just wish a designer or architect or someone would have said to somebody that those trees are in the way!