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Andrew Williams's picture

Minimalist Without Snow

We were about halfway down Mile High Road this evening when this ambulance appeared. The sun had already gone well below the horizon, resulting in this image's noise and low contrast. It may be near the edge of minimalism, more so the B&W edit than the color one, which I prefer.

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Thanks for posting Andrew. As with you I think the B&W works the best in these with the road leading the eye to the subject, and the trees forming a natural frame.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on images other members have posted as you perhaps offer another perspective.

Say hello to Harry for me..... :-)

There was a fair amount of image processing here other than the obvious change from color to B&W. None of the utility poles are perfectly vertical in real life. I used DxO Viewpoint to straighten the ones on the far left and far right, leaving the others to remain slightly askew, perhaps a bit less so than they actually are. That change is intended to fool the viewer into believing, justified or not, that I was holding the camera level when I have no idea whether that is true (probably not as we were in a moving car and I did not have the level indicators in my viewfinder turned on.) The street, sky, and wooded areas are three separate layers and their color and brightness/contrast were adjusted individually. The ambulance's headlight glare was enhanced using the magic light tool in Luminar Neo. The B&W version is the color edit with the color stripped away and a small change in contrast. I think that had I started with B&W in mind, my result would have been somewhat more stylized.

Harry says "Arf!"

I agree on the b&w image as well especially for more of a minimalist feel. I wonder if a darkening or a vignette in the foreground and lower left corner up the left side would build on the minimalist feel? Not sure. Hope you are well and staying dry here in PA!