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Marcus Crisp's picture

Light and Bright

Inspired by the incredible photography of Harold Davis, I decided to try some long exposure photography with flowers. This image is a composite of several overexposed shots with the intention of creating something light and airy. The flowers are shot in front of a soft box illuminated by a constant LED light. Have to say this was a lot of fun. Trying to think of other subjects that this technique would be fun to try on. Suggestions welcome!

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Ah...a Hallmark moment.

And I mean that in a nice way. I really like your composition.

Thank you, Dean... I appreciate it!

You achieved your target! They are lightband airy. Totally friendly and clear photograph. Nothing mysterious in. Popping colors.

Technically I'd like to understand why you went for long exposure? Just a technical need as LEDs did not deliver sufficient light for a short shitter speed or do you have an artistic reason?

I wanted to really blowout the highlights to create a high key look. By using a constant light, I could play with the shutter speed to generate different looks which I subsequently blended in PS to get the desired result. Thanks for your comments!

I think you have achieved everything you were looking for here Marcus.
Nice refreshing style and I love the fact that you are experimenting.

Great images, eager to see more!

Thanks Alan! Trying to think of other subjects to test the technique on.