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Thomas Wragg's picture


Could I get some critique on how this frame could be improved, or even simply what stops it being a better photo (backdrop & lighting spring to mind). I don’t generally do much skate photography as I’d rather be out actually skating but as my body slowly wears out, I may start taking more photos of it! Any general thoughts on skate photo technique welcome. Thanks.

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Adding a little more of my own critique(!) I was probably trying too hard for a French Fred style composition and could have gone closer with a wider angle...

Personally I really like this photo. I like the general angle, the lens choice, and the timing a lot.
If I had to pick a few things that could improve it. I would say, if the board were completely framed in with the white of the wall thing. I also don't like the gray door directly behind him. Those are kind of less controllable but I do think that this would greatly improved with just a little bit of light. Probably to your right pointed at the skater.
Kind of skimming across him on the same line as his shoulders.
The first two things are that big of a deal but I think the light would just make this great.

Thanks, appreciate that

For sure! Thats the kind of stuff that made me want to make this group. I wanted people that are more in the know to give useful advice to improve this type of photography. Rather than a photographer that's never seen a skateboard or a bmx bike.