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Rose Atkinson's picture

ICM inside buildings

I am using ICM to create a series of images in our local cathedral because ICM reduces details, enabling me to focus on line, form, light and colour, in a way which I think portrays the essence of the building. Is anyone else using ICM in a similar way?

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I think the inside of a cathedral is a wonderful place to explore ICM. The upright columns and architecture are well suited to the technique.
Your color images are reminiscent of old paintings, perhaps with a contemporary twist to suit today's world.

Unfortunately, I do not have such opportunities where I live, but given your success I bet there will be many that are inspired by your work.

Thank you Alan :) I am very fortunate to live 5 minutes from one of England's most beautiful cathedrals. It never fails to inspire me :)

Rose Atkinson A really lovely series of images, Rose. I really like what you've created here...especially the color images. Like Alan Brown mentioned, they are very reminiscent of old world paintings and have a wonderful painterly feel to them. Thanks so much for sharing these with the community here.

Thank you Stephanie! :)

Rose, I absolutely love the etheral glow and mood you captured in the first two images. The use of complimentary colors just sucks me in.

The black and whites seem flat compared to the colors. I would love to see them with more contrast - maybe high key or a soft glow??