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Stephanie Johnson (StephJohnPhoto & ICMPhotoMag)'s picture

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Perhaps we can generate a bit of discussion if each of the members here will reply to this thread and post an ICM image that you've taken recently and tell us why you like it, what the thought process was behind it, and if in hindsight there is anything you'd do differently.

This image that I'm sharing is a recent favorite of mine. I took it a week ago Saturday (January 29th), using a sort of horizontal wavy, twisting motion. It was the middle of the afternoon, on a fairly bright, sunny day, so I used a 10-stop ND filter.

I used my 24-105mm lens, and this was shot at 24mm. I typically shoot most of my ICMs with a 70-200mm lens, so this was an exploration and play with something a bit different.

I actually captured a somewhat similar image the week prior using my longer lens (I'll post it as a reply to this thread)...but, I like this one better. This image, for me, has more depth, movement, and texture...which is what I was going for. There were some lines and tracks in the snow from an all-terrain vehicle, and there is a big mound of mulched grass to the right. The mound of mulched grass and the tracks in the snow are what helped create the visual interest in this image, I feel.

I did quite a number of different takes on this particular scene (more than 300 frames on this particular outing), but if I were to go back to this spot (which I do on a regular basis to try to capture something different), I would probably try find some new ways to move the camera to create different effects from those seen here.

Canon 5D Mark III, Canon f/4L 24-100mm Lens
ISO 100, 24mm, f/5.6, 1/2 second
NiSi 10-stop ND filter

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This is the image captured the week prior, using the longer lens and only a 3-stop ND filter...but note the vast different in aperture between the two images.

Canon 5D Mark III, Canon f/4L 70-200mm Lens
ISO 100, 70mm, f/32, 1/2 second
NiSi 3-stop ND filter

Thanks for posting this wonderful image Stephanie - such an inspiration but making me feel guilty about not getting out as much as I should during this glorious (but frigid) winter season.

This is an image taken close to home, captured during a walk back from the village library. The tree had piqued my interest for a long time, but either conditions were not right, or I did not have my camera with me.
This day was just right - I liked the contrast of green against snow, the dusting of snow on the branches and for a brief period the light was just perfect.

A series of around 12 images, blended in Photoshop. To help 'tell the story' I have included a degree of background detail in the image

1/400sec, f8,ISO 100

Alan Brown A really wonderful in-the-round style capture, Alan! I love how you've framed it and capture just the right touch of background detail...which really does tell the story nicely/ I also love the green of the tree against the snow, as well as the way the light is falling on the scene. I am always in awe of the images you create in this style. Really beautiful work! And, please don't feel guilty...Lol! I'm probably just a glutton for punishment getting out in the arctic temps. I do love being out in the frigid cold, though. :)