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Teemu Paukamainen's picture

Hämeen keskiaikafestivaali (Häme Medieval Festival) 2019

Hi! I managed to squeeze in a few hours for taking photos in Hämeen keskiaikafestivaali ( https://www.keskiaikafestivaali.fi/en/hame-medieval-festival ) last weekend. I wasn't supposed to have time to visit the festival but luckily things changed and I made it there on Friday.

And I'm glad I did! The atmosphere at the event was so amazing. Even before entering the festival area you could hear the music that set you in the right mood. You could even rent costumes right after the entrance gate. Maybe next year I'll try some of those too... :)

Anyway, here's a few photos I took at the tourney by Rohan tallit ( https://www.rohan.fi/about-us/?lang=en ) and if you want more, you can find 'em here: https://teemup.net/hameen-keskiaikafestivaali-2019/

I'll be still adding more pictures to my blog daily and I hope you enjoy these - I sure do!

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