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Josh Cast's picture

I don't know where to categorize these, but it was for commercial purposes?

I have been looking around and there are a lot of great photographers here on F-Stoppers. What I am not seeing a lot of is the type of photography I do which is centered in the Aerospace and Defense Industry. Maybe it's because there are firearms involved, maybe Photographers in the industry haven't branched out... either way, I do not know where and how to categorize a majority of my work which is generally done for Catalogs, Calendars, Digital and print ad sets.

Does this put it in Commercial?

I have come to know Fstoppers community as fairly harsh critics (not complaining) and I would love some feedback outside of the echo chamber that is the industry I am in. Please feel free to critique my work, I encourage the blind feedback from outside the industry.

Checked as NSFW so as not to ruffle any unnecessary feathers.

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1 Comment

These are nice photos Josh. I'm no expert at all, but to me they kind of feel like photojournalism - although I realize that this is maybe not the intended usage.