Model: Sophie Frijns
Photographer: Bram van Dal
Camera settings:
Shutterspeed: 1/90
Aperture: F / 1.8
Iso: 1250
Lens: 85
Location; Vershal at Strijp-S in Eindhoven.
This photo comes from several sides light, on the left of the model comes from a wine rack white light today, on my side comes from another wine rack warm yellow light and right behind her, comes from lighting what is above the counter hang of a store white light away.
Depending on how many lights are present at a location, I always play with the balance between light and shadow and I go to see what kind of a function it will get in the photo for each light source.
In this photo, the illumination of the left side has the function as hair light, the illumination on my side as an interpretation to soften the shadow and for the bright spots in her eyes and the illumination right behind her has the function to emphasize the profile of her face .
In this way, as a photographer, it no longer matters whether you work in a studio or on location, but you make it easier to look at the possibilities yourself.