Amanda Campbell's picture

Death March

This is probably my favorite shot from our Halloween shoot in the swamp for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it tells an important part of the story. Secondly, it was kind of an accidental shot. I was behind my friends as they made their way into the swamp to set up for the main shot. I pointed my camera toward them without checking the viewfinder or the focus and clicked the shutter to check my exposure. Somehow, the focus, the leading lines of the logs, and pocket of light at the top of the frame lent itself perfectly to the story. I simply added some levitating feet and voila!

Beneath the murky waters lies,
Full of dark and anguished cries,
A spirit gripped by her demise
Within her sodden grave.

With vengeance that the settlers wrought,
Boiling like the kettles broth,
Ama cooks a bloody plot.
The settlers wives will pay.

The sun has fallen from the sky.
From the swamp does Ama rise,
Her voice much like a sirens cry
Calls to the ones she craves.

One, two, three, then four
The sleepers stumble out their doors
Beckoned to the muddy shore
And to their watery graves.

35mm · f/1.4 · 1/100s · ISO 500
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