This story revolves around the idea of being lost in familiar places, like the feeling of being a tourist in the hometown you grew up in. The helplessness of being trapped inside a mind that is difficult to navigate - difficult to make sense of the things people take for granted.
Model x Christina Jewell
Hair x Samantha Wilson
Mua x Anam Hussain
Stylist x Anam Hussain
Production Assistant x Jesse Fogel
Photography Assistant x Ezekiel Inocencio
Love the photo from first glance, but when I read your description it maked so much sense - to anyone who’s moved from a small town to a big city and then returned. Great work.
Thanks Joseph! I'm glad it resonated with you :)
There's so much to like about this. Great job.
Thanks a bunch Dave! ^_^
Gorgeous work.
With or without caption - it's a great shot
many thanks Aleksandar! :)
Superb concept execellent realization