Robin de Jong's picture

Face in the Clouds

Last Sunday i went hiking in the National Park Eifel in Germany at 4:30AM so i could find myself a nice composition before sunrise.
After seeing the weather forecast models on the evening before there was a reasonable chance that mist would develop above the rivers (a chilly, clear night 3-4 degrees and fairly warm water in the rivers, it's a perfect match!)
Once arrived, thanks to the moonlight, I already could noticed that there has formed a thick layer of mist in the valley.
I found a great location closer to the river but still high enough upon the hill.
Beautiful how the clouds were moving like waves that rolled up and down the hill, with my face in the clouds.
This photograph was taken when the mist started to roll back into the valley, after that i started a time-lapse sequence so it could roll upon the hill again.

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