
© Peter Coulson 2014
Photographer Peter Coulson @ www.peter-coulson.com.au
Model: Nicole Melrose Vicious Models

Lighting: Bowens 1.5 meter octagonal soft box

Model:Hasselblad H5D-50c
Shutter Speed:1/250 second
Focal Length:100 mm
ISO Speed:100

Hasselblad H5D-50c
100mm · f/9.0 · 1/250s · ISO 100
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Great photo! It looks so perfect it almost looks cgi

amazing image!

Great job

The light accentuates her long curvy legs perfect. Nice work.


Outstanding series! You are the photographer I aspire to be!

Mr. Coulson does amazing work and this is another strong image but I'm a little put off by it thematically. I think it would have worked better if the camera she was looking through was a vintage large format of some kind on a wooden tripod. The juxtaposition of the old camera with the thoroughly modern look of the model would have worked better in my opinion. Still a cool image though.

Awesome image.

Brilliant idea Peter!

Love this concept

clean :) i like it



Beautiful, perfect tones.

If emulation is really the kindest form of flattery, then this guy is flattered the most: https://drscdn.500px.org/photo/212430849/q%3D80_m%3D2000/3283be6da986ac2...