Ren Scott's picture


This was shot in July of 2014 in Shreveport Louisiana. I planned a styled shoot with 2 sisters that had developed quite the collection of vintage dresses over the years.

After arriving at their house for the shoot I realized I was going to be combating the weather. I had recently upgraded to the Canon 6D and figured it had some type of whether seal.

Little did I know, it did not. Regardless I continued with the shoot attempting to cover up my camera as best as possible with an umbrella. A few minutes into the shoot my camera began to freak out, buttons stopped working and began switching functions. I had a small panic attack and asked for a minute to dry my camera.

For some reason my desire for "the shot" was far too strong. Through the rain, cold, and mud, the desire to create an amazing art piece and do what I loved willed me to continue. After wiping it down I urged it to continue shooting.Though it was still malfunctioning a bit It had calmed down.

We only manage to pull 3 photos from that shoot that were worth anything, and it was only until I arrived home and uploaded the images that I realized I had just created one of my greatest images. "Exoneration"

Canon 6D
85mm · f/1.2 · 1/500s · ISO 400
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I appreciate that :)

Is that Natural Light? Where's that light coming from? It is so fantastic!

Thank you! It's all natural light