Tiago Marques's picture

The Breakdown

Incredible foggy morning at Atalhada Windmills.

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Tiago, very cool fog can be so difficult and looks like you nailed it here, Cheers

This phot was difficult to do the post processing, like a lot. During the photo session was fun, because a lot of fog rolling over the hill so a lot of time to try differeent compositions.

What was the difficult during post processing? Did you have to stack multiple images or just choosing the best image out of all the different compositions?
As I mentioned fog can be difficult even just proper exposure it's kind of like exposing snow. Left wholly up to the light meter it will exposure as a gray/grey mess, same with fog which is basically snow in a vapor form. And both need to be over-exposed from what the light meter wants.
So are you totally happy with it? Silly question I presume you are or else you wouldn't have posted it. My point is some images are never done as we learn and grow as photographer and/or these days as the tech advances some images can grow and evolve with us over time.
Have you or do you print, like to hear how it looks.

I really like this photo and I have another one that I'm very happy to. It was not easy with color because warm yellow and then a lot of blue going on on the shadows, balancing the tones was not easy, It was just one exposure.

I hear you with the difficulty with colors and fog especially yellow (highlights) and the blues as you said in the shadows.
What software are you using? I find it helpful no matter fog or any color image I have the histogram open and set to all colors mode while I'm processing an image especially while adjusting colors in highlight and shadows.

I use lightroom and photoshop always lookint to the histogram for sure, but not too much.

I've used both over the last several years. Mostly camera raw and photoshop these days. No matter what software I've learned to keep one eye on the image and the other on the histogram, trusting the histogram info more than the image as far an image evaluation aide.
Do you have a favorite tool for color adjustment.
In my workflow with raw files my first step is with the calibration tool adjusting all three RGB channels for tint and saturation watching the histogram's reaction especially avoiding crushing the black point and blowing out the white points.