marius van dyk's picture

a Classic Cessna 190


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Great shot, I love it! Could you squeeze a bit more of the tail in or was that a composition decision?

i can do that crop for you :)

in this case, the emphasis was on the prop and the pilot (purposely higher up in the frame) ... not wanting the eye to go to the tail pointing up and out of the frame but rather restricting it by the horizontal lines. but I could be totally wrong

but regardless thank you for the comments

Yes, the eye is definitely drawn to the prop and pilot in the current shot - which is great. I also like the background. I just think the top of the frame is a little cramped, it might look better with a little more air over the wing, and also revealing the tail. Might be wrong, but I'd be interested to see what it looks like.

The best looking of all the Cessnas.