Kareem Quow's picture

The Last Amazon

MOD: Jonelle
MUA: Tamara Barnett
PHTG: Kareem Quow
PHTG ASST/ VID: John Relosa
LOC: Alexandria, VA USA

She is the last of her kind.
A Survivalist Fashionista from another time;
An endangered species on clearance and online.

Displaced in this place of distaste by the most unsocial of medias.
Any present presence of her in the past has been exiled from any future encyclopedias.

She suffers comfortably between style and functionality.
Her tag line is written in cursive in her curve-filled body language;
Disassociation has been her brand Identity.

The business model IS the model….the Amazon.
With Godly proportions that rival photoshopped distortions.
Her motivation is simple and primal…just survival… for her species and its culture.
As the world she knew gets picked clean by vultures; and the vultures have gone viral.

So she journeys to sow the fabric of the land with a sense of style, perspective and compassion;
In hopes to reap more than a seasonal trend in fashion.

Her black leathers, metals and stilettos are all arranged in aesthetic hieroglyphics on the walls and in the feeds of fossilized blogs and tweets.

She is the only chance she has, carrying her fate in Birkin bags;
All her scriptures followed by followers following hashtags.
She shall be the savior….the Last Amazon.

By Kareem Quow

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