PEDRO Hayward's picture


On their way home. These two Andaluz horses quietly take for granted the amazing beauty of their homeland of Malaga. Sony A7II 70/200. Edited in ON1 RAW

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Pedro, like the lighting especially the rim light around the horse(s).
The thin green border not so crazy about ?

Hi Paul. Thanks for the like and the comment. To be honest I was not convnced with the border. Maybe it is not even necesary. I like to put one when the image has a lot of black near the edges to make it stand out from black backgrounds. Couldnt really decide on the colour of this one. Maybe I will try again. I am furious about the way some idiots on fstoppers express their opinions, or show their lack of knowledge/taste/ability. I just had a rant about this with another member - another fstopper. I hasve examples of pix with 8 people voting, and seven of them give likes of 4. Then along comes keyboard jockey and gives a 2 without even justifying why in his opinion IT NEEDS WORK. This senseless vote means that I will struggle to raise my average to next level. You gove it 4 and the average shows as 2.5. So that means that the only other vote was 1. (Am I right?) That is grossly ujnfair and stupid. I will probably delete the photo and then post it again with different colour border. Then I would move the order of photos so that it may be a little hidden from the idiot. (having said that, I am not sure that that would work). Sorry for the rant and once again thanks.

Pedro, I here you, I only said something about the border because I initially thought it may have been a compression error til I zoomed in and realized it was more than likely deliberate, As too the color I think there's too much green in the image for this border to work back to why I thought it was an error. I you want a border maybe try the complimentary to the overall image tone which I am interpreting more a yellow/orange gold which looks like somewhere between blues and purples which I'd say no to also. If you still want a border maybe a simple few pixels of white or light gray. Personally with all the edge detail in more than 3/4 of the image I don't think it needs it even on a black background.

Yep. Maybe I will try grey. Please look for it again when I delete this copy. Thanks for your input.

I experienced this very same situation several times. I am not sure if this is true rating without feedback (which is sad, because it could help to improve), malicious rating or just by accident (people using a smart phone and accidentally rating a photo). No matter what, it can be frustrating.