This young humming bird was found by my wife. She went into a room that hadnt been used for a while and found him there. He was unable to leave and was weqak. After a short rest and water he regained strength but before leaving us he agreed to do some poses.Sony A7 24/70 with screw on close up lens
Great image!
Thanjk you very much. He was lucky for his life and I was lucky to have him as my model.
Pedro, very beautiful sounds like all involved were lucky ... ever me thanks for sharing :)
“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer” - Ansel Adams
Do you know what kind or the species?
Humming bird. Calibre
Pedro, from a quick search based upon your photo what I can tell it’s as you said a juvenile probably female “Glittering Bellied Emerald Hummingbird”
Fantastic. You are right. I was wrong with Spanish name. COLIBRÍ O PICAFLOR
Pedro, thanks for that, your response had me confused as a Spanish referral at all and is took your response as ? To the species, thanks for the proper translation my friend and I’ll try to do the same next time ;)
All and all this says a lot for your image that thousands of miles away someone can look at it and make a proper identification. Good job!