Hank Rintjema's picture

Ribbon of Light

This photo was created using a simple rectangular shape light painting tool. I swooshed it around until I got a pattern that I liked. f8 @ 4s ISO 100 The light painting tool is illuminated with a flashlight and the model is captured at the end of the exposure using flash (2nd curtain sync)

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As photographers our only tools are light* and time.
Both of which cannot be touched, tasted, or heard.
Our raw materials are the most ephemeral of all the arts.
So what we do with those raw components is what sets one photographer apart from the rest.
Here you show why your unique combination of experience, timing, and technical prowess puts you in league all your own.
Lots of fun exploring the technique. tHanks.
*Ok a willing, patient, beautiful, model helps no end as well. 🤣

The words you put in a row are absolutely amazing and very encouraging, Julian Ray. I read it twice, just for sheer enjoyment... tHANKs.