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Kirk Kinnell
Oak Grove, MO

Bookmarked Articles

Should You Avoid Photographing Popular Locations?

One of the side effects of the proliferation of cameras and the Internet is that certain locations have been photographed in just about every possible way from every possible angle. Does that mean they're not worth shooting anymore? This great video explores the place of such locations for photographers.

Don't Be Afraid to Take Risks With Your Photography

I don't mean hanging out of a car window untethered to get a shot of another moving car (although that sounds kind of fun). What I mean is don't be afraid to take your work in a direction previously unexplored. What's the worst that can happen?

Five Ways to Improve Your Photographic Compositions

Composition is one of the hardest things we deal with as photographers. It is complex and can seem like a neverending pursuit. Today, we’ll look at five simple ways we can approach a scene and come away with an effective composition.

Finding Success in a Saturated Market

In an industry that seems to grow exponentially every day, how can existing and new photographers find an outlet for their work - one that is going to pay the bills and fuel their passions? Lifestyle, sports, and adventure photographer Scott Martin may have the answers you've been looking for.

How to Use Instagram to Draw New Photography Clients

Sure, the photo-focused social media app is saturated. That doesn’t mean you can’t use it to drum up more business. If you’re a photographer wanting more clients, Instagram has the potential to be a powerful marketing tool.

Bookmarked Media

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