Bentley Uses NASA Technology to Create 53-Gigapixel Image

Bentley Uses NASA Technology to Create 53-Gigapixel Image

You thought that 50-megapixel cameras were impressive? How about 50 gigapixels? Bentley took promotional photos to a new level for showcasing their newest car, and the result is very neat.

To help promote its new Mulsanne Extended Wheelbase model (meant to provide more rear legroom), Bentley turned to the same technology developed by NASA to take panoramic photographs of the surface of Mars. The luxury car company used the technology to create an interactive, zoomable photo on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Users start out at a distance of 700 meters, entirely unable to to see the car, but can then seamlessly zoom into the interior of the cabin, eventually closing in on the company's logo that's stitched into the front passenger seat.

The shot took 700 individual shots to create, resulting in a 53-gigapixel final image. The company notes that if printed, the image would be the size of a football field. Kevin Rose of the Bentley Board noted: We wanted to commission this shot to capture both the exquisite detailing of the Mulsanne and the epic scale of our brand’s ambitions. We believe the result is truly extraordinary.”

There's a car in there somewhere!

To play with the immersive full-screen photo, click here.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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Truly extraordinary - possibly
Overkill and just because - quite possibly.

This is stupid, amazing, silly, and preposterous. Did you notice as you are zooming up to the car the Bentley Logo on the seat suddenly 'sharpens' and the drivers head changes positions. Got to love First World Advertising.

Yes the drivers head moves and the logo sharpens. The color also shifts slightly at that same zoom level. They took over 700 shots to make the image. I'm surprised they didn't have more things moving and shifting around.

With enough planning and money you can close the bridge for a limited time. So maybe no other cars to clone.Or it's all a bunch of photoshop magic

That technology (on the original Mars rover at least) gave birth to Gigapan, and isn't really all that exotic.

why is the bridge structure unsharp/motion blurred yet the car is pretty sharp-right down to the logo? More Ps than an SI cover making it BS perhaps?

I'm pretty sure the vehicle is flat out composited. I noticed once you really zoom in there there's a bunch of noise surrounding the car, but the car itself is still perfectly sharp.

Overkill and stupidity.

When you zoom in your jumping into multiple images. Each a crop of a higher res image.

Ths image could have been taken in under ten shots based simply on the fact you cant do anything except zoom in to one spot.

There is nothing special aboit this photo amd yes that is motion blur added by ps.