Recent Education Articles

Because He Was an Artist: Larry Burrows, Photojournalist

The camera can be seen as most impactful when it's used to document life in its rawest form. Every day, photographers grab their camera and head out to create a photograph for many reasons. It could be for a client on a commercial set. It could be a wedding photographer. It could be a landscape photographer. All these approaches hold their own sort of gravitas. However, when a camera is used to capture events that help the viewer understand our reality and our history, it could be said the camera is at its most powerful. Photojournalism holds this gravitas.

How To Pose and Direct a Photoshoot To Draw Out Emotion

With 10 years of professional photography under my belt, I can confidently say directing models with ease is one of the most important aspects of the job. Yet, it is a skill that so many photographers struggle with. It’s one of those things that seems so simple, but in the actual moment, can be incredibly challenging.

How to Batch Process Noise Reduction in Lightroom

Lightroom's new AI-powered noise reduction is a remarkable step forward for the program, giving users powerful capabilities for working with high-ISO photos without having to ever leave the program. The one drawback is that the noise reduction can take a bit of time, particularly if you are using an older computer. So, if you are working with a large batch of photos, it is important to ensure you have set up your workflow for optimal efficiency. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to do just that.

The Power of Symmetry in Photography

Symmetry has long been one of the most powerful tools to provide visual interest in an image, and there are many ways to leverage it in your work to create compelling shots. This fantastic video tutorial will show you some of the different types of symmetry in landscape photography and how you can use them in your own work.

5 Helpful Pieces of Advice for Better Landscape Photo Compositions

Composition is a challenging aspect of photography no matter what genre you shoot, but it can be particularly tricky in something like landscape photography, where you get no control over the placement of elements in the frame, only your position relative to them. If you find yourself struggling with your landscape compositions, check out this helpful video tutorial that offers five bits of advice sure to help you improve.

3 Things That Hold Back Photographers

Photography can be a pursuit marked by slow growth, and as such, insidious things can creep in and derail our journey, and it can be years before we even realize they have done so. If you would like to continue to grow as a photographer and creative, check out this fantastic video essay that discusses three mistakes that will hold you back and how to avoid them.

A Beginner's Guide to Ordering Your First Photo Print

In the digital age, some of us never print our photos, content to share them on social media and view them on our monitors and phones. That is a shame, though, as seeing your images in a physical form is something really special that can't be replicated by anything digital. You do not have to print your photos yourself, though. There are plenty of great printing services out there, and this helpful video will show you how to get the most from your first order.

The Delicate Balance Professional Photographers Must Strike to Be Successful

Being a successful professional photographer is about a lot more than simply being good with a camera. One of the things you need to be good at (and something a lot of people are uncomfortable doing) is selling yourself and your work, which requires a good dose of self-confidence or the ability to fake it, at least. Done wrong, though, and this can lead to pushing away clients. This insightful video essay features an experienced commercial photographer discussing the delicate balance and why it is so important.

The Joy of ICM Landscape Photography

ICM, which stands for "intentional camera movement," is a technique in which the photographer moves the camera during the exposure in a precise way, resulting in creatively blurry images that often have a painterly appearance. It is a great way to explore your creativity and expand your landscape photography techniques. This neat video takes you behind the scenes as a landscape photographer tries it out to show you what is possible and some common mistakes.

7 Common Landscape Photography Mistakes

Landscape photography is a challenging but rewarding genre that takes the combination of strong technique, creative vision, and solid editing to create a successful image, and things can sometimes go wrong. If you find your landscape shots are not as good as you would like, check out this fantastic video tutorial that discusses seven common landscape photography mistakes and how to fix them and improve your work.

Learn How These Cinematic Magazine Cover Photos Were Shot

The beauty of artificial lighting is that you can create looks that simply would not be possible using only the sun. One of the greatest technical challenges for a photographer is lighting a group portrait so that every individual is well lit but so the overall look is still sculpted and compelling rather than flat and two-dimensional. If you would like to really take your portrait lighting to the next level, check out this awesome video tutorial that will take you behind the scenes of a cinematic magazine cover photo shoot and show you how to do it yourself.

My 5 Early Landscape Photography Mistakes

As we consume social media, YouTube videos, and online articles, it is easy to think everyone else out there knows what they are doing. I made many mistakes early on in my landscape photography journey. I still make mistakes today! I’m going to share some of those early mistakes I made and things I wish I'd started doing sooner.

5 Ways to Improve Your Landscape Photo Editing Skills in Lightroom

Rarely is a landscape photo finished when you press the shutter. Almost every image takes some amount of editing to produce a finished product. In recent years, Lightroom has become a far more powerful editing tool, and it is now possible to complete many landscape images without ever heading over to Photoshop. This fantastic video tutorial will show you five different ways to improve your editing skills in Lightroom.

How to Sell Photography Prints: Part 1

Once your photos improve after practicing photography for a while, they will likely also attract a larger audience. And at some point, you might be asked if your photos are for sale. It is how I got into selling my images as prints more than ten years ago. In this article, I share an easy way to get started.

The Basics of Visual Hierarchy for Landscape Photography

Understanding how different elements of the frame "rank" relative to each other is fundamental to creating balanced photos that draw the viewer's attention in the right direction in a pleasing and intuitive manner. If you would like to improve your landscape photography, check out this fantastic video tutorial that discusses the idea of visual hierarchy in the genre and the different elements it includes.

How to Fix Boring Landscape Photos

Landscape photography can be a technically challenging genre, and so, it can be particularly frustrating when you do everything right but still come home with a boring photo. If you find yourself in the position of having an abundance of technique but often ending up with images that just are not that compelling, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you a range of useful advices to make your shots more attention-grabbing.

A Beginner's Guide to Astrophotography

Astrophotography can be a tremendously fun and rewarding genre, but it takes some specialized knowledge, techniques, and often, equipment. If you are interested in capturing eye-catching photos of the night sky, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you everything you need to know to get started.

Unveiling Earth's Beauty: Mastering Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a captivating art form that allows us to unveil the extraordinary beauty of our planet. From towering mountains and serene lakes to vast deserts and lush forests, the diversity of Earth's landscapes provides an endless array of subjects for photographers to explore. In this article, we will delve into the world of landscape photography, discussing techniques, equipment, and the essence of capturing the awe-inspiring beauty of our planet through the lens.

A Big Mistake Photographers Make When Learning Flash

Learning flash can be a tough endeavor; it takes a combination of a lot of technique, attention to detail, and creative vision. If you are working on mastering flash, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced photographer sharing perhaps the biggest mistakes photographers make when working with flash.

How to Take Photos Like Alexey Titarenko

Alexey Titanrenko is a photographer that creates unique results on a consistent basis. It sounds simple, but he is truly a master of his craft and creates stunning, otherworldly images. Here is how you can take photographs in a similar style.

A Common Mistake Photographers Make When Pricing Their Work

Pricing can be an extremely tricky things for photographers to master, and even small mistakes can add up to big losses over time. This fantastic video tutorial features an experienced commercial photographer discussing a common and easy-to-make mistake, how to recognize it, and how to fix it.

One of the Best Ways to Improve Your Photography

We all practice photography as much as we can, but how often do you consider how you approach your practice? More focused and purposeful practice can yield better results in less time, and one of the best ways to go about that is with a project. This fantastic video essay features an experienced photographer discussing the power of projects and offering some great ideas you can try out yourself.

One of the Most Useful Features in Photoshop

Photoshop is a tremendously complex and multilayered program, and as such, it can be easy to overlook some of its less obvious features. Blend if is one such feature, but despite its somewhat hidden location, it is one of the most of useful tools at your disposal. This fantastic video tutorial will show you everything you need to know about Blend if, including how it works and some of its most useful applications.

Do You Need a Tripod for Landscape Photography?

Besides the camera and lens, perhaps no piece of equipment is more standard in landscape photography than the tripod. And while a tripod can help ensure you get the best image quality possible, it does not come without drawbacks. So, do you really need a tripod, or would you be better off without one? This excellent video essay discusses the issue.

Subjective Versus Objective: Pictorialism

In today's world of photography, there's a fierce debate going on whether AI art is in fact, art. On one side there are proponents of AI art that see these programs as another tool that can be used to express one's vision. On the other side are the traditionalists, who staunchly oppose AI art, arguing that it deviates from the essence of art as a medium of objective representation. Only time will tell how this plays out and how these two views learn to coexist.

Photoshops New Next-Level Retouching Tool

With their latest updates to Lightroom and Photoshop, Adobe has shown that they are serious about extending their software with AI capabilities. I was already impressed by the new Noise Reduction in Lightroom. And as Nick Page shows in this video, Photoshop also has a new, impressive AI feature.

Things to Look Out for When Using Light and Shadow in a Landscape Photo

Taking landscape photos is a wonderful way of spending time. Enjoying the view and the play of light and shadow is inspiring. If you can capture that moment in the best possible way, it becomes even more fun. But watch out where you place the light in the frame.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Camera's Autofocus

Perhaps no technical innovation in modern photography has had more of an impact than autofocus. Long gone are the days of rudimentary systems with just a single autofocus point or two. Modern autofocus systems are tremendously powerful and customizable, and as such, it is well worth knowing how to get the most out of your camera. This helpful video tutorial discusses autofocus modes, tips, and problems and how to get the most out of your camera's capabilities.

What Do You Do When There's Nothing to Photograph?

Feeling uninspired or like there is nothing worth photographing can be a very frustrating place to be in, and it is not always clear how to find your creative spark once again. The truth is that there is always something to photograph, but often, the problem is how we are approaching things. If you are struggling with your creativity right now, check out this fantastic video tutorial that shares a range of useful ideas and advice for getting back on track.

One of Lightroom's Oldest and Best Tools

Lightroom has made some remarkable steps forward in recent years, bringing an array of innovative new features that can automate many tasks that used to be quite tedious to perform manually. And as impressive as many of those new capabilities are, one of its most effective tools is a simple one that has been around for quite some time. This great video tutorial features an experienced Lightroom pro showing you how to get the most out of the tool in your work.

Can I Learn Photography on My Own?

I have heard many different questions from those interested in photography, from staples such as "What is the best camera" to more obscure inquiries, such as "Is photography dying?" For some reason, the question in this article's title caught me more off guard than most.
5 Powerful Lightroom Masking Techniques for Landscape Photography

When you edit landscape photos, you will often make use of a variety of masks to target adjustments to different areas of the frame. Lightroom has made some major steps forward in its masking capabilities in recent iterations, making it far easier to efficiently and precisely process your photos. This excellent video tutorial will show you five uses for Lightroom's masking capabilities when working with landscape images.

Two Important Reasons You Should Always Consider Cropping Your Photos

The crop tool might not be as fancy as many others in your editing suite, but its importance cannot be overstated. Here are two very important reasons you should always think about starting with the crop tool when you first sit down to work on your images.

5 Common Landscape Photography Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Landscape photography is a challenging genre that requires good planning, solid technique, strong creative vision, and often, just a bit of luck. As such, there are a lot of places where things can go wrong. If you would like to improve your images, check out this excellent video tutorial that features an experienced landscape photographer discussing five common mistakes and how to fix them.

5 Common Exposure Mistakes You Should Avoid

Light is damn-near everything to photographers, and the exposure of an image is how it is captured. It isn't complicated to get right, but that doesn't mean there aren't many pitfalls to avoid. Here are five.
How to Use Negative Space in Landscape Photography

A lot of landscape photography tends to be maximal, using intricate collections of elements in the frame to create lush balances that convey the grandeur of scenes at least partially through their sheer overwhelming nature. Of course, that is not the only way to approach the craft, however. Embracing negative space can help provide more balance in your images. This great video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discussing negative space and how to apply it to photos.

The Powerful Benefits of Photography for Mental and Physical Health

Photography is not just about capturing beautiful images; it is a powerful tool that can positively impact our mental and physical well-being. Whether you are an amateur or a seasoned photographer, picking up a camera and immersing yourself in the art of photography can bring numerous advantages to your overall health. In this post, let's explore the remarkable benefits that photography offers for both mental and physical well-being.

Exploring the Diversity of Seascape Photography: Benefits and Techniques

Seascape photography presents an expansive realm of creative possibilities, where the ever-changing nature of the ocean becomes a source of inspiration. From tranquil sunsets to tempestuous storms, the diversity of seascapes offers photographers a wide range of subject matter and moods to explore. In this article, we delve into the various types of seascape photography and discuss the unique benefits and techniques associated with each.

The Craft of Telling Stories With Photos

As photographers, we work hard to create photos with technically accurate exposures, balanced compositions, and skilled edits, but what often separates a good photo from a truly compelling one is storytelling. Storytelling can be a difficult thing to develop, though. This helpful video tutorial features two experienced photographers sharing their thoughts and advice on what makes for good storytelling in photography.

Why You Should Embrace Difficult Locations in Landscape Photography

Landscape photography often requires a large amount of physical exertion simply to get to a location, particularly when you are carrying a heavy bag of gear. While you might want to stick to the trails and the paths of least resistance, sometimes, it pays to embrace the more difficult locations. This great video tutorial discusses why you should head off the beaten path every once in a while.

The Magic of Long Exposures in Challenging Conditions

Seascape photography has a way of captivating our senses, drawing us into the mesmerizing beauty of the ocean's rhythms. However, not every day at the coast is blessed with perfect weather and ideal conditions. As photographers, we must adapt and find creative solutions to capture stunning seascapes even when faced with challenging circumstances. Let’s explore the art of using long exposures to transform less-than-ideal conditions into ethereal and evocative seascapes.

Here's What's in the Sky This Month

The night sky is a surprisingly active place, and it helps to know what is on deck for the next few weeks. If you want to enjoy a nice summer night or two with your camera, check out this fantastic video tutorial that discusses some of the most exciting astrophotography opportunities coming up in July and offers some useful for getting the most from your images.

5 of Photoshop's Most Important New Features

Photoshop has been evolving at a breakneck pace lately, with a number of groundbreaking features expanding and even completely changing the ways in which photographers approach editing their images. If you have not had a chance to catch up on everything that is new yet, check out this helpful video tutorial that will show you five of the biggest changes, what they can do, and how to use them.

How to Use the Fujifilm Pixel Shift Multi-Shot Works

Have you ever wondered what the Fujifilm Pixel Shift Multi-Shot mode does and how it works? Whether you have or not, it's worth learning about this technology and just how powerful it can be.
Why You Only Need Two Lights to Start as a Portrait Photographer

Getting started with flash can be both exciting and intimidating; it is an entirely new set of techniques, but it also enables a wide variety of creative opportunities that simply would not be possible otherwise. If you are ready to tackle artificial lighting, it is important to get off on the right foot. This great video tutorial features an experienced beauty and portrait photographer discussing why it is best to start your lighting journey with no more than two lights.

How to Increase Your Photo Bookings

Being good with a camera and having great creative ideas is, of course, crucial to finding success as a professional, but it is not enough. Knowing how to attract clients and convince them to book with you is a crucial skill. If that is something you have trouble with, check out this fantastic video tutorial that offers three actionable tips for increasing your bookings.

How to Use Fill Flash for On-Location Portrait

Shooting portraits outside of the studio can be a great way to add context to an image, tell a story, or simply generate a bit more visual interest. Bringing along a flash for fill can often help you create a higher-quality image with a more balanced exposure. This great video tutorial will show you how to use a fill flash on location for better portraits.