Critique the Community

Telephoto Photos

Submit Your Best Telephoto Photos
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 13 May 20 16:15:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • Congratulations to the winners!

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For the next critique, we want to see your best telephoto images. Many photographers consider anything 85mm and beyond (on 35mm) to be telephoto but for the sake of this critique, we only want to see images taken at 200mm and beyond. Each user can submit up to 3 images. Please let us know what lens you used and the story behind the shot in the description section of your entries. 

  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 13 May 20 16:15:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • 315 people have cast a total of 23,286 votes on 519 submissions from 237 contestants.
  • Congratulations to the winners!

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My longest lens is 85mm...doh!

Is it a crop sensor camera, or can you enter crop-mode if a full frame? - add in that crop factor... Hum.. Happen to have a teleconverter in addition?

Lee Morris, any thoughts on having a post production contest? Where the goal of the contest isn't to submit people's own photos, but where people edit the RAW image that's posted as part of the contest. So the judging will be done soley on people's post production skills.

Might be cool for quarantine project since most people are stuck indoors.

yes that would be an interesting twist to the critiques. However, I think the current contests are already mostly a showcase of post production techniques. This comes to show in the constantly recurring themes in landscape and portraiture with their lack of diversity from a photographic viewpoint and their tendency in post to create an assortment of mostly identical, somewhat outworldly imagery.

I love this idea! Just to keep it from being too repetitive, they could offer 3 or 4 raw images to choose from. I think this is GREAT!

I am worried about copyright infringement. Submitting RAW images means that a person is putting up the entire file that could be copied. For this reason I reduce any images to approximately 72dpi. Does Fstoppers do anything to prevent infringement of images?
I would love not to have to worry about this problem.

I don't think this is relevant. They would be putting up the original images for the purpose of the challenge. By the nature of doing that, they would not be worried about the preservation of their ownership rights of these images.

In my group Minimalism, Abstract, Experimental we edit each other's images all the time in an effort to communicate feedback. I would not post an image that I was that concerned about image theft.

This is just me though. I'm sure if I were a professional I might feel differently.

Wow! "Quick Draw 1 Star" strikes fast. I posted, proofread and went back to fix a typo and already has a one star vote. If you are still here reading the thread that fast, please take a moment to think about the goal here and slow the trigger finger. It would have been nice to enjoy my entry for 1 entire minute before the one star ratings started. Sigh....

I wouldn't worry yourself about it... whilst there is the ability to vote with no view of who is giving what rating you will undoubtedly just have snidy bell ends who have nothing better to do in their sad little lives than trawl through an online photography contest giving the lowest rating possible to all photos.

I rarely enter any of these due to the members that insist on giving poor ratings with the hope that their 'photo' will be elevated. Pretty pathetic.

If only I had a telephoto lens..

You can always borrow one for one day ;)

If only I knew someone with a telephoto lens... lol.

By borrow I meant rent :).

Rent from B&H

you can get a 200mm for cheap, I miss selling the canon 200mm

Yeah.. I will save up for one slowly. I am new here and not a photographer professionally so I can't justify spending any money on camera gear at the moment. I love the Fstoppers community and youtube channel though! it encouraged me to learn photography.

I'm selling one xD

I am a disabled Marine Corps Veteran who has been mulling over my telephoto submissions for days and I have had much difficulties with my disabilities in the last few days, When I turned on my computer today to upload my telephoto images, I see that someone in your office placed the cut off time at 12:30PM. It is 3:PM where I live and would ask you to allow me to enter anyway. I don't care if I win. I just want to finally submit some outstanding photographs to Fstoppers which I think would compete anywhere in the world with the best of the best. I was an NFL field photographer for 25 years and my world is that which is seen with a 600mm lens. I am confident that you will enjoy my images. One of them is on the cover of Sports Illustrated recent book of Quarter Backs. Please ask Lee and Patrick if I may enter as a friend of Fstoppers, and not as a contestant. Thank you, Michael Minardi

You can always post your pictures in one of the groups related to your photo topic, in this case sports. So everybody here can enjoy your work. Hope I could help.

Yes, thank you.

Hello Mr. Minardi, I think also a good idea is adding some of your imagery to your Fstoppers Profile. In case you are new on this site -- the Critique the Community contests run one after the other. So as soon as this one is over and Patrick and Lee publish the results, a new one with a new topic will be announced. So even though you may not be able to enter the current contest anymore, I´m confident that your wide array of images will find their place in future contests. Have a nice day and looking forward to seeing your pictures!

I got my dates mixed up. I am uploading many of my images to different groups. Thank you

Sorry, once it's close we can't open it. Like Heiko said, upload them to your profile and get ready for the next critique which will start soon.

Hey, Michael!

I am not sure that I understand why you would want to enter a contest as a non-contestant. If you want to share your work so that others can see and enjoy it, participating in a contest is a poor way of doing that.

In my experience, photos that are entered as contest entries get rather low exposure - very few people seeing them or commenting on them.

On the other hand, photos that you add to your F-stoppers profile page typically receive a lot more views, and more people tend to comment on them over time. Also, photos that you add to a group, such as Sports or Wildlife or Environmental Portraiture, tend to get a lot more views and interest than images that are entered in the contests here.

If you can explain why you wanted to put your photos in the contest, instead of putting them on your profile page or adding them to a group, I would be interested in your reasoning.


Damn that's my thing but I'm too late... :/

Contest Submissions

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