Trending Posts in Instagram for Business

Action sports Instagram Pod

I've been hoping to join a pod for a while now, but haven't found any relating to action sports. I shoot a lot of...

Shadow Ban on Instagram affecting business?

Has anybody had any trouble with this shadow ban? I thought it was just a rumor at first but I've noticed that my post...

Photography Challenge Page

Hey Ladies and Gents, Me and my spouse have started a new instagram page called d.kphotography_challenge we created...

Insta Portfolio Review

Aloha, photography is my life with my wife along side myself. What I ask of you all is to critique my work. All photos...

Why I'm not a good at PODS

I used to be a member of the #leadinglinemonday team on Google+. It was one of the more popular themes and as many as 4...

Starting a Small Online Business

My name is John and I'm trying to start a small online business, working at increasing my overall exposure. I've...

Pod for lighting geeks like me!

I've been toying with the idea of starting a pod that focuses on lighting. Would that be something that people would be...

Instagram Pods

I'm new to Instagram and don't even know what a pod is. Could someone explain and possibly consider adding me or even...

Adding Curated Hashtags to Instagram Posts Automatically

Hi Instagrammers, Adding proper and relevant hashtags to our Instagram posts can be a pain, and so I found out a way to...

Worth to see?!

my name is Bastian, as you can read at my Profile I´m a travel photographer/blogger with high quality content. I´d be...

matching my monitor with cellphone

Hey everyone ! I noticed that when i upload some image on instagram there is always a difference from what I seen on my...

Instagram deleted me for no reason

Has anyone else had the unfortunate experience of their Instagram account just vanishing? It sounds ridiculous but that...

Drop in engagement

Might just be me, but has anyone noticed a significant drop in engagement in the last week or so? I'm aware of the...

What if a Brand copy a your photo concept in Instagram? Need feedback

Today I discover @nikewomen in IG post a photo concept pretty close to a my photo published 3 months ago. (Same angle,...

Impact of new Instagram Business profiles

Does anyone have any experience so far, positive or negative, with the newly added Instagram business account option? I...

Hashtag management

What tools/approaches have you found to work for managing your hashtags? I have been using the TFL Pro app, but it is...

Instagram Picture Selection Dilemma

Hi there! I am an amateur photographer living in London. My main occupation is doing a Masters degree (clinical...

Any social networks worth the time alongside Instagram?

Hi, pretty new to promoting my work over social media. I've been putting my efforts into Instagram for the last while...

Curated feeds on IG: How does this impact building a following?

I am wondering how this change on Instagram will change the landscape of building a following? Any thoughts? -gl

I'd love some advice

I'd love if it I could get some critique on what I'm doing right/wrong from some more experienced instagram users. I've...